2020 is deemed as a special year. Not only do we go through a new year, but we're also entering a new decade. It's a custom for most people to write down their resolutions and goals to be worked throughout the new year. However, do you realize that these resolutions and goals are not necessarily only done for the new year, but also serves a purpose for you to navigate throughout your whole life? On this week's journal, we will elaborate on a few things related to goal setting, and why it is important to have one in your life. Read on!
1. Gives you an idea of what you want to do in life
Goal setting requires you to know what you actually want to make out of your life and actually taking steps towards it. It's frustrating to wander aimlessly in life without any specific thing that you want to achieve in mind, therefore setting your mind to something can be the first step you take towards a change.
Assessing your priority is one main thing you can start with. Think of something realistic that you want to do, and if you have the means to do it. Through this assessment, it can help you decide what you truly want and actually start something tangible.
2. Influences your life direction and decision making
Goal setting can also give you directions in life. When you've got clearly set and well-defined goals, they help you sort through decisions quite easily. When some things don't go along with your goals, you can then exclude it from your mind and this definitely helps you lessen your mental burden. Through goal setting, your decision making process will definitely be more defined as you recognize which ones are beneficial for your goals and which ones aren't.
3. Keeps you accountable by tracking your progress
Goal setting is also a beneficial way to keep yourself accountable by tracking your progress. Therefore, it is important to be specific when setting goals to be effective and measurable to avoid vagueness.
When you’ve decided you want to do something, you should be taking the steps necessary to achieve it. If you’re constantly falling short on your goals, then you know more necessary actions are needed to achieve it. The results will then speak for itself; which areas you are succeeding in and which ones need more effort, or whether your goals are realistic enough to be worked on.
4. Helps you get motivated
Setting goals can also serve as your commitment to achieve them. For example, distractions and mental blocks you might encounter along the way can be set aside when your focus are on the goals. Furthermore, the action you take to make that goal happen creates accountability and motivates you when you obtain smaller accomplishments along the way. This is going to be a snowball effect, as you’re also going to be much more motivated to set your next goals and try to achieve them.
5. Gives you a sense of achievement and builds your confidence
Setting the right goal can also determine your success rate. For example, setting smaller, more achievable goals can help you obtain it better. When you actually get it, it builds your confidence and fuel your power to keep moving forward. Through goal setting, you can maximize your true potential and make great use of the talents you possess. While some people may be hesitant to leave their comfort zone, it's truly an exhilarating experience when you actually reach the goals you set and make you braver to face greater things that awaits.