The past couple of months have shown a great increase of cycling habits that we can see on the road. Whether it is because of the pandemic that people are starting to take alternative commuting options, or simply to do a non-boring exercise, cycling is definitely beneficial for your health. You don't have to splurge on an expensive bike to get you places, a working one can benefit you as well as the costly ones, and being consistent is one of the main thing to do when you're aiming to be healthy. On this week's journal, we'll shed some light on the current trend on cycling, and ways it can help maintain your health. Read on!
Effectively trains your leg muscles and balance As a low-impact exercise, cycling is a suitable activity for all levels of age. You can adjust the intensity based on your needs, whether casual or competitive. Plus, it also doubles as a mode of transportation. One part of body that can be trained with frequent cycling is of course your lower body. Cycling can help strengthen yor leg muscles, glutes, and calves, without putting too much pressure on your joints, unlike running. Cycling also trains your core muscles, as it stabilizes your posture and maintains your balance during a ride. Improved and well-trained balance can help you prevent falls and accidents during biking.
Boosts metabolism and immunity Like other types of exercise, cycling can also help you maintain healthy weight, increase metabolism, and retain muscle mass. Plus, moderate exercise that is done in an extended period of time can also help lower inflammation levels and boost the body's defense system (immunity). Therefore, hopping on your bike daily, or at least 3 times a week, will not only help you save some money on commuting, but also benefitting your immune strength in a significant way.
Reverses effect of sedentary lifestyle Sedentary lifestyle is often the root cause of many health problems, from muscle stiffness to obesity, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. However, disciplining yourself to get moving everyday may dampen this effect in the long run. Muscle usage is important to help break down carbohydrate and fat in your body. Moreover, some studies have shown that at least 20 minutes of cycling each day may lower development of heart-related diseases. Studies have also shown that aerobic exercises like cycling can slow aging process, including slowing down the process of muscular atrophy as you age. Whether you opt to do recreational or commuting cycling, it can help prevent you from developing a more serious, chronic diseases in the long run.
Manages stress Everyone that lives a city life may already know how it feels to be stuck in a traffic to and from work and how draining that experience can be. However, biking can be a good alternative to consider, as nowadays there are also load limitation on public transports. Cycling gets you to train your focus while on the road, as well as slipping some exercise before you start working. Moreover, cycling and exercise in general is known to help lower stress levels and increase feel-good hormones. Research have shown that 20 minutes of exercise may help boost your mood for up to 12 hours.
Reducing carbon emission If you're considering to reduce pollution and contribute to better air quality where you live, it's logical to start a greener habit yourself. Cycling can take you places, but also emitting much less harmful substances to the air. A good start is to cycle around your neighborhood, if your workplace might be too far to reach with a bike. However, during this pandemic, cycling is one of the most recommended transportation mode as it is not in a closed space and allows you to breathe freely.