Oxygen is a very crucial component in human life, and often time we don't notice it as it is a basic human need. However, with the pandemic going on, mask wearing has somewhat inhibit our ability to properly breathe, and that may have an impact to our oxygen intake. On this week's journal, we will be highlighting some points on why the oxygen is very important for our livelihood and our organs, as well a its effect to our overall health. Read on!
How the body obtains oxygen and how it is used Breathing is a very basic human need. Respiration, or simply, breathing, is an act of inhaling oxygen (O2) and exhaling carbon dioxide (CO2) as a byproduct of respiration. The body filters out the air we breathe through the nostrils, and goes through the nasal passage into our lungs, and thoroughly filtered again in our alveoli or air sacs, an important part of the lungs. After that, oxygen is distibuted throughout the body via the bloodstream. The body will always need a certain amount of oxygen molecules in the blood circulation, therefore, the heart will actively pump this oxygenated blood and supplies them to various cells and organs, in order for them to function properly. Oxygen is also plays an important role in maintaining immunity. It is used to fuels cells that fights invaders, like white blood cells, to protect us against viruses.
Oxygen and the human brain As a vital part of the body, the brain might make up a small percentage of body weight, with just 2 percent. However, it utilizes around 20 percent of total body oxygen consumption. This probably can explain why you may feel lightheaded of suffer from a light headache when not getting enough oxygen. Active neurons in the brain consume a lot of oxygen, and thus producing extra bloodflow to that region and promote clearer mind. This is why some treatments for dementia prescribes extra oxygen or glucose to the brain in order to boost mental performance. Meanwhile, decrease of oxygen supply to the brain because of pollution, suffocation, or carbon monoxide poisoning can cause headaches, tiredness, depression, or irritability. Therefore, increasing the oxygen supply to the brain and nervous system is important to reverse these conditions.
Benefits proper oxygen intake can do for your health Increasing oxygen levels may do some wonders for your health. You can increase them naturally through regular exercise, breathing techniques, or as simple as getting outside to obtain more fresh air. Sufficient oxygen levels in our body can help increase energy levels, eliminate toxins from the body, boost metabolism, promote wound healing, gain mental clarity, reduce stress levels, nurturing nervous system to function properly, as well as strengthening immunity. The white and red blood cells benefit from this adequate oxygen intake, as cells are ensured to be functioning at an optimal level. Also, a lot of viruses and bacteria tend to be anaerobic, which means it is very hard for them to survive in our body if oxygen is present.